Ramadhan 2012

It is that time of the year, the holy month ofRamadan is here and officially begins July 20 according to The Fiqh Council of North America. The council is a US based group that is affiliated with the Islamic Society of North America.
The Holy month of RamadanRamadan is calculated on the lunar calendar and begins when the first crescent of the new moon is sighted. The official start time differs among Muslims Many insist on physically sighting the moon to mark the beginning of Ramadan. Others depend on the calculations of the Saudi Arabian declaration.
Either way, the month is a time for Muslims to re-evaluate their lives, to make peace with those that have wronged them, to strengthen relationships with family and friends. In essence, it is a time to "clean up" or cleanse ones life, thoughts and feelings.

During Ramadan, Muslims fast during the daylight by abstaining from food and drink from sunrise to sunset. They also fast or restrain from evil actions, thoughts and words.
"It is a time to reconnect spiritually by not taking part in gossip and unlawful or sinful activities," Southern California resident Samira said.
"It is a time for me to cleanse my body and soul and re-focus my life."
Local Southern California mosques will be sponsoring events during the month of Ramadan. To find a mosque close to you, visit The Islamic Circle of North America's directory or Salatomatic's list here.

Source : Examiner

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